What comes to mind when you hear of Menopause? No periods. Mood-swings. Low libido. The list is long and more often than not, mis-guided.

First, let’s define what Menopause is: Menopause is a natural biological process that women in either their mid-40s and 50s experience, due to a decline in a woman’s reproductive hormones. It’s considered to have occurred when a woman has not had a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months.

And here are the common signs to look out for:

  • Hot flashes | Night sweats
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep disturbances

All these vary from one woman to another. Not all women share the same experiences with Menopause, similarly, not all women who miss their periods for some time are outrightly going through a Menopause – it could be due to prior surgical procedures that appear to have the same effect.

Some women get excited as they approach this phase as it means to them no more painful cramps, every 3-7 days, monthly so, hey! It’s not all gloomy over here, some highlights to get you through.

It’s also important to note when your body is transitioning to menopause. Perimenopause can last several years and is characterised by irregular menstrual cycles and fluctuating hormone levels. Postmenopausal refers to the period after menopause when menopausal symptoms often subside. Important lesson here is to always listen to your body.

Women should be more embracing of Menopause as it’s a natural part of ageing, not a disease, not a disorder, nothing to be embarrassed about. It comes with its own discomforts and where persistent, one should seek medical interventions.

Let’s see some of the myths around Menopause:

  • Menopause begins at 45: you may start anywhere from your late 30s to your early 60s. You’ll officially be in menopause when you haven’t had a period for a full 12 months. This means that even if you go 10-11 months without your period, and then get it, you are still not in Menopause.
  • Weight gain is inevitable in menopause: Unwanted weight gain in common in menopause and inevitable. As you approach, perimenopause and Menopause, your estrogen levels naturally drop and might create a hormonal imbalance. Your body’s first instinct is to protect itself, by storing fat, around the waist, hips and thighs and because fat tissue acts as a source of estrogen – your body will tend to hold on to it due to estrogen levels regularly fluctuating. It’s important to keep a healthy diet and exercise.
  • Menopause wrecks your sex life: Approximately 50% of women in menopause Will experience vaginal dryness which can make sex uncomfortable. And if sex hurts, you will probably see a drop in your libido too. However, there are other ways to improve your sex drive/libido which can help boost your bedroom affairs.
  • After menopause, your body doesn’t produce hormones: How? As a woman in your Menopause, you still produce hormones, only that it only that in your not so reproductive years, they are not as much but you still produce hormones.

It’s always advisable to seek professional help when consulting and be fully informed whenever in doubt.

It’s equally important for Menopausal women to also carry routine wellness test like:

PAP smear: Cervical cancer is the 2nd most frequent cancer for women in Kenya. Its fatality can only be reduced when diagnosed and treated at an early stage. Unfortunately, cervical cancer has no marked symptoms until it’s too late. That’s why a regular PAP smear is a must for every woman above the age of 40.

Breast exam: There are more than 2.3 million breast cancer cases that occur every year making it the most common cancer among adults. A woman’s risk of getting breast cancer goes up as they get older with 4/5 cases found in women over 50. Regular screening is important in catching it early for efficient interventions.

Fasting blood sugar/ Random blood sugar: This is a test that helps diagnose diabetes, a condition which is prevalent or exacerbated by menopause due to reduced reproductive hormones.

Regular blood pressure tests: Hormonal changes during menopause can cause fluctuations in blood pressure levels and increase the risk of developing hypertension. Therefore, it’s important for women in menopause to monitor their blood pressure regularly and speak with their healthcare provider about any concerns they may have.

Lastly, remember Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a treatment option for women used to relieve symptoms of Menopause and it can be an option for you, if recommended by your OBGYN. HRT works to replace the female hormones that are at a lower level as you experience Menopause.

Monitor your body and consult constantly. In case you feel you could be going through Menopause and don’t know how to deal with it, talk to us today on 0715703000.








Goodlife Pharmacy Ltd was founded in 2014 with the purchase of five Mimosa Pharmacies and with additional funding from Catalyst investment group and IFC expanded to 19 stores covering the key cities of Kenya, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu, with two stores in Uganda. Leapfrog Investments, an investment group that looks for investments that “change lives at scale,” saw the opportunity to create an East African Pharmacy chain providing easier and superior health care to all communities, and so acquired a majority share in 2016.


It is the only pharmacy company in Kenya to provide truly national coverage, and with that coverage comes a better ability to serve its customers. “We have also added online digital and WhatsApp delivery services. By leveraging the country-wide network, we can guarantee delivery to anywhere in Kenya in under three hours,” Melvin says. “You can call the store, order non-pharmaceutical products online, or contact us via WhatsApp. Our WhatsApp service is manned by Pharmacists who can manage patient prescriptions and provide expert advice. We also provide vaccination services at low prices. Simply book through our WhatsApp number. We started our online and delivery services in early 2022 and now they make up 10% of our sales volume.” Goodlife has also started a membership club that provides unique benefits for all members. “If you sign up for membership you get automatic discounts anywhere in the country, in any Goodlife store,” Melvin says. “Membership also provides free wellness checks. Staff can check glucose levels, body mass index, and blood pressure in the store, prescribing treatments or advising patients to see a doctor if necessary, all in the privacy of our consult rooms.

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If you’re over 65 or chronically ill, it’s time to get your pneumococcal vaccine

Old Mutual Group has partnered with Goodlife Pharmacy to offer the Pneumococcal and Influenza vaccine to our insured members over 65 years and those with chronic medical conditions.

What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is an acute respiratory infection that is commonly caused by viruses or bacteria and is spread from person-to-person by direct contact with respiratory secretions, like saliva or mucus. It can cause mild to life-threatening illness in people of all ages.

Which adults are more at risk?

Adults at a higher risk of pneumonia include those over the age of 65 and people living with chronic health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, cancer, asthma, liver disease, HIV/AIDS, sickle cell disease, or post organ transplant.

Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent pneumonia

How many shots do you need?

The pneumococcal vaccine in adults is given as a one-off dose.

Is it safe?

Pneumococcal vaccines are safe.

Side effects may occur but most of them are mild. They include; redness, swelling, and tenderness at the injection site, fever, chills, feeling tired, loss of appetite, headache, muscle ache, or joint pain

What can you do?

Ask your doctor about vaccination against pneumococcal disease. We encourage all our insured members aged above 65 years and those with chronic medical conditions to get vaccinated. If you are an Old Mutual Health insurance client and are eligible, please book your vaccination appointment here

This article organically appeared on the Old Mutual Kenya website https://www.oldmutual.co.ke/about-us/media-centre/it-is-time-to-get-your-pneumococcal-vaccine/


How to manage your heart health this month of love

At Goodlife, we believe love is a two-way street, constantly under construction. Ahem, we mean the relationship between you and your health, in particular the heart that you wear on your sleeve every day.

Onto some serious stuff! Your heart is the engine of your body and you need to take care of it to ensure you’re physically and mentally sound, so you can spread your love in everything you do and for whom you do. Here are some simple steps to keeping a healthy happy heart:


  • Take a chill pill from time to time. AKA REDUCE STRESS. Stress leads to increased production of stress hormones called fight or flight hormones that cause your body to fight stress or run away (flee) from stress. The occasional stress is good for your heart but constant stress can lead to heart damage. Stress encourages finding comfort in vices such as alcohol, and tobacco as well as indulgences in comfort foods which affect heart health in the long run! So yes, take a chill pill – some anti-stress supplements can help lower stress and anxiety levels and keep your heart happy! Ask our qualified pharmacists in-store and they will help you find one that’s right for you!
  • Be proactive about your health – Ever heard the pilot say, put on your life vest before attempting to help others? The same goes for your health. It is only when you take control of your health that you can be of help to anyone else. Keep up with your regular check-ups and screenings with the doctor, and monitor your sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, and BMI regularly so you can get warning signs in advance. At Goodlife, all the above tests can be done by qualified pharmacists, for as little as Kshs 300/- at any of our 100+ stores countrywide. Some of these are even FREE and guess what, you don’t even have to pay a consultation fee! It’s cheaper and more convenient than booking an appointment with the doctor at the hospital.
    Regular exercise can help reduce your BMI, manage cholesterol, improve blood sugar and improve your overall health


  • Keep moving & stay hydrated – Regular exercise and a good intake of water daily reduce your BMI, and your cholesterol, improve your blood sugar, and improves your blood pressure, all of which help your heart remain healthy. If you are one of those people who ‘don’t like the taste of water’ then you can add oral rehydration salts to your water. These improve your rehydration by adding salts that exit your body through sweat helping you to hydrate your body adequately. Ask in-store today!
  • You are what you eat – Having a healthy diet i.e. reducing salt intake, reducing saturated fats for example dairy, increasing unsaturated fats like olive oil, avocado, and fish as well as increasing the fruits and vegetables in your diet helps in improving your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar keeping your heart fit. However, not everyone has the same dietary preferences and not everyone can get all the nutrition they need from diet alone. Supplements rich in Lycopene, Omega 3 oils, and Vitamin B complex improve the nutritional value of your food consumption hence improving heart health.
  • Excessive Alcohol Consumption – We know it’s the season of love, but go easy on the booze. Consuming alcohol over the daily recommended limits increases your blood pressure and cholesterol and therefore impacts negatively heart health.

If you feel like your heart needs a bit of TLC, pop into any one of our 100+ stores and get access to diagnostic screening services such as Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, and BMI testing. If you are someone with chronic heart conditions and need regular medications and monitoring then join our Wellness 360 Programme, for long-term health and wellness monitoring, today and sign up for your monthly prescriptions so your health is on track!

To find out more call us or send a message to 0715703000.