I am proud to announce our first anniversary as Goodlife Pharmacy, Buffalo Naivasha, and the very first Goodlife branded store in the region. We have enjoyed an exciting year bringing in the best professional standards, providing quality products and services to this town.

We experienced a few challenges ranging from the initial low footfall, product range availability to convincing customers to have us as their preferred pharmacy. Through hard work due diligence, and world class customer service we have found a way around this challenges and continue to grow into a vibrant business.  Our staff have undergone vigorous training at all levels enhance their pharmacy practice and customer service.

Looking back over our shoulder from that first day until now, we are thankful for the loyal customers who have placed confidence in our products and services. We are aware our growth is due in large part, to their trust in us.

We remain focused on our mission aiming to be the leading pharmacy in Naivasha, providing the best quality genuine products and professional services at a reasonable price, as we go an extra mile to deliver our promise.